Royal Wedding Roundup
I'd like to say a big 'Congratulations' to Wills and Kate; she looked lovely and I'm so pleased she went with McQueen. No it wasn't jaw droppingly different, but it was never going to be and I thought that Kate and her sister looked elegant, dignified and serene; which in these situations is the name of the game.
My other favourite moments of the day were; Boris Johnson giving a 'shout out' to Pam from the Fenchurch Street Branch of Moss Bros, for ensuring he looked 'smart and presentable' on the day (Pam, something tells me that a large bouquet and box of chocolates will be winging it's way to you from Head Office) and Grazia's Paula Reed saying she was "waging a one women war against fascinators'; standing ovation at Rockwife Heights for that statement Miss Reed.
Which leads me neatly onto today's Millinery display or in Samantha Cameron's case, lack of:
Yes, Mrs Cameron I know those are bejewelled clips from Erdem, but can I ask you a question? Are you Blair Waldorf from the American Teen Drama 'Gossip Girl'? No? Then please put a hat on.
There was an awful lot of this sort of thing in the Abbey today:
I believe that Philip Treacy made 36 hats for today's wedding, and whilst they are spectacular works of art and feats of engineering I'm not quite sure how well they work outside the arena of 'High Fashion'.
Posh looks like she works for The Addams Family Airline, Beatrice is actually scaring me, she looks like a satanic vanity mirror, Tara PT is running away with Cirque du Soleil to perform in their new show 'La Luna Racquet', Eugenie is in a Sixth Form production of 'The Rivals', and Zara can't wait to get to her next official engagement; a 'Galaxy Quest' convention, where she will be presenting prizes for the 'Best Reproduction Costume'.
Even the Queen suffered a bit today from a form of Millinery Malaise:
Normally nobody rocks a hat like The Queen, but there's something about this one that looks a bit 'Boxy' and homemade. It somewhat resembles what used to be known (rather sniffily) as a 'Dressmakers' Hat. These were usually pre-made shapes or forms that could be covered by Dressmakers to enable them to make matching hats for their clients ensembles, or were 'cut and sewn' rather than blocked. It just doesn't look quite right, it's got a sort of 'cake tin' vibe.
Still HM looks lovely in primrose and I'm sure a splendid day was had by all and that by now nobody is still wearing their hat. Huzzah!
Rockwife xx
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