Rockwife at Hat Works Museum

'The Curious Journey of Lavinia De La Craft' at Hat Works

We are absolutely thrilled to be exhibiting at the Hats Work Museum in Stockport. You can find the specially created 'The Curious Journey of Lavinia De La Craft' collection in the 'What's Hot' cabinet alongside 'Ascot Mohawk' and 'Jean' in adjacent cases.

The exhibition runs till the 9th March 2013 and full details about the museum can be found here:

We also delighted to have a headdress in their new exhibition 'Redesigning Fashion', here's a sneaky peek!

'Extreme Close Up!'

Want to see more? Head over to Hat Works. 'Redesigning Fashion' looks at recycling and sustainable fashion, starting with the 'Make do and Mend' movement of the 1940's right up to the modern day 'objet trouvé' work of Little Shilpa, a fascinating and thought provoking exhibition.

'Memories of Mickey and Minnie'
Little Shilpa

Rockwife xx


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